I don't really know what the media will look like in 5 years but if I were to take an extremist approach, I think some terrible shit would be happening. I think London is the first city to really monitor everyone's behaviors with cameras placed throughout the city. I think most large metropolitan cities will soon adopt this, especially with the rise of terrorism in America I think American cities will be the first to do so. But it's also just a matter of time before news outlets tap into these streams and start publicizing average citizens everyday lives and missteps with in society. I think with the growing social network communities, the amount of information about people will be so large that we will be able to hack into peoples lives and criminals will be able to steal identities much easier.
I think 15 years from now the media outlets will be taking everything to extremes. The news will be like the gossip news on crack. I think there will be a small group that will want to try to contain society and turn them back to their ways before the internet and television took over our lives. I think advances in medicine and technology will happen but will be upstaged by the next great social media website. Countries will lose control as citizens start to elect officials that are know for things like being on an mtv show where they were shot out of a cannon while wearing an elephant costume. I think people will stop reading and will expect movies to be their only from of education.
50 years from now, well, I think the world will be going to shit. I think of the movie Idiocracy, where 500 years from now the world has degenerated into a society where individual responsibility and consequences do not exist and advertising and commercialism rule the world.
As for me, I will be an angry old woman hitting children with my cane, because old people are allowed to do that.
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