The story of The Hobbit is about a home loving hobbit named Bilbo who is given a quest to win a share of treasure that is guarded by a dragon. Bilbo's journey takes him from light-hearted, rural surroundings into darker, deeper territory. The story is told in the form of an episodic quest, and most chapters introduce a specific creature, or type of creature, of Tolkien's Wilderland. By accepting the disreputable, romantic and adventurous side of his nature and applying his wits and common sense, Bilbo develops a new level of maturity, competence and wisdom. The story reaches its climax in the Battle of Five Armies, where many of the characters and creatures from earlier chapters re-emerge to engage in conflict.
I enjoyed reading the book because it wasn't what I expected, although I found myself filling in imagery and scenes from lord of the rings movies. The book was easy to read which surprised me at first but then I remembered it was a children's book...The book was written with a lot of detail which helped me stop imaging the movies and created scenes in my own mind.
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